A harmonic balancer is attached at the crankshaft and is used to reduce the torsional vibration of an engine. It is comprised of the hub and an outer ring (normally weighted cast iron). In between the hub and ring is a layer of flexible rubber or silicone. This layer absorbs the vibration from the crankshaft.
It can deteriorate from age, heat, cold, oil, or chemical exposure. If a deteriorated balancer remains in use, it can result in rear slippage and wear on the timing cover or forward slippage and come of the hub entirely. It can make timing impossible or cause the crankshaft to develop cracks over time.
Our rebuilding service removes the old rubber or silicone and cleans and bead blasts the bonding surface. The hub is then placed in an alignment jig that aligns the two parts vertically, horizontally, and concentrically. Our silicone polymer is applied. The hub is placed in a vacuum chamber to remove any air. Then, the hub is placed into a lab oven, where the silicone is vulcanized at over 350 deg. F.
Outer shaft seal sleeves can also be fitted if the shaft is badly worn and/or pitted.